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  1. Which of these do you think is the most popular meal in the UK?

a. fish ‘n’ chips

b. full English breakfast

c. pasta

2. True of false? Most British people eat a full English breakfast every day.

a. false b. true

3. True of false? Most British people eat a roast dinner on Sundays.

a. false b. true

4. True of false? Cookery lessons are compulsory for all 11-14 year olds in British schools.

a. false b. true

5. True of false? Most British people eat their evening meal between 8pm and 9pm.

a. false b. true


Why did English become the world language?

  • English is the language of business & finance.
  • Hollywood blockbusters have dominated the world.
  • Sing in English and you’ll hit the charts!
  • The English language is simple and easy for beginners.
  • English is the language of the Internet.
  • and… what about the English speaking Power-states (the British Empire, the USA, etc)

Information taken from: https://englishharmony.com/english-is-the-world-language/


The importance of English

  • English is a global language.
  • Studying English can help you get a better job.
  • Learning English can help you meet new people.
  • English is the language of the internet.
  • Travelling is a lot easier when you know English.
  • With English, you can study all over the world.

Information taken from: https://www.british-study.com/adults/10-reasons-to-learn-english.php


You can buy a variety of different types of bus and coach tickets. These may include single journey tickets, one-day, weekly or monthly tickets as well as student or over-60 passes.

By booking in advance or travelling outside of peak hours you can get significant savings. Travelling at peak times will likely cost the most.

Taxis are licensed to be hired immediately – you can get one at a rank, hail one in the street, or by pre-booking.

The London Underground

When using the London Underground, you should keep the following in mind:

  • Trains are often delayed.
  • If you ’re on the Tube during peak hours, you ’ll be buried under the newspapers discarded by commuters. Do not feel shy about picking them up. Everyone does the same.
  • London Tube trains are more crammed than their European counterparts. But it helps that the train drivers are somewhat entertaining with their announcements. “The aircon has broken down and I imagine it to be quite warm back in there. But hey, the weekend ’s here and I ’m looking forward to the barbecue this Sunday!” (Thanks to the driver who tried to lighten up passengers’ spirits during a hot summer day this year.)
  • “Please, stand on the right”. Although UK drivers drive on the left side of the road, the ‘slow lane’ in the London Underground system is on the right side of the escalator.


What are people in the UK like?

Brits have a mixed reputation among foreigners – on the one hand they are supposedly very polite and proper, while on the other, they are known for their loutish drunken behaviour while abroad.

Well, both types of Brit are fairly common, but two activities that tend to unite all UK citizens are:

  • queuing
  • talking about the weather

Yes, what you have heard is true.

Queues & the weather

Brits love the order of a queue, and tend to get quite upset if the rules of a first-come, first-served queuing system are ignored, so make sure you do not skip ahead!

As for talking about the weather, this is another regular occurrence. Due to their generally reserved nature, it may seem that striking up a conversation in the UK seems more difficult than in other countries, but mention the rain, sun, or cloud and most Brits will happily join in.